I’m a writer and translator originally from Germany, though I’ve spent the past decade of my life in the US, first in Los Angeles, then in New York. I recently graduated with an MFA in creative writing from Columbia University, where I was awarded the Henfield Prize, which honors the best piece of writing by a second-year fiction student. My translation of an excerpt of Ilija Trojanow’s novel “Power and Resistance,” from the German, was published in World Literature Today and won the magazine’s 2022 Student Translation Prize for prose. I was also a 2024 Oxbelly fellow in fiction writing.
Prior to graduate school, I worked as a reporter for news organizations on both sides of the Atlantic, most recently as the US equities correspondent of the Financial Times. My journalistic work has appeared in the Financial Times, Bloomberg News, Politico, Religion News Service, Vice, and several daily German newspapers, including Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and Der Tagesspiegel.
I’m presently at work on my first novel.